Mica Najmanovich and Nico Arcucci are chefs and owners of one of the freshest yet most celebrated restaurants in Argentina: ANAFE. Located in one of Buenos Aires’ upcoming areas, the restaurant merges a laid back attitude with a sophisticated vibe.
Mica and Nico are known for drawing inspiration from their cultural heritage in unexpected fashions. Argentine, Italian, Jewish, Asian and French techniques share space in the stimulating menu of these two refreshing young creative minds.
Their work has confidence, precision and tastes like everywhere and nowhere at the same time. They apply meticulousness, emphasis on details, techniques and ingredients from all around the world into all of their dishes and vision. Everything matters and everything counts, and it doesn’t matter how beautiful a dish may look if it doesn’t taste good.
ANAFE went from opening as a closed doors 20 seat restaurant in 2018, to having a full operating, lunch and dinner, 50 seat restaurant 3 years later (with COVID restrictions in the middle). Now Anafe is an ongoing gastronomic experience named by 50 Best Latam as the One To Watch 2021.Anafe grows day by day, but what matters stays the same: the food is great, the experience is fun, and not one dish could be from anywhere else but from Mica and Nico´s brain.